"Every day you must walk that fine line between courage and caution."

Garth is a Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT, Level 3, Intermediate Senior III), a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists and a Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500) with Yoga Alliance.
Based in Los Angeles, Garth teaches public classes, and specialty workshops in the US and internationally. All classes are taught in the Iyengar tradition. Private instruction is available.
Photo by Tai Kerbs

Certified Iyengar
Yoga Teacher


A Fresh Restart

The dawn of a new year often brings a renewed sense of hope, the potential of a brighter future ahead and often spawns resolutions or the setting of intentions to take steps to realize a goal or dream.
If hope engenders a feeling that what is wanted can be had, or that events will turn out for the best, as we dive into the early days of 2025, I hope that the conflicts, suffering and divisions that have enveloped many parts of our world can soon be resolved and a sense of unity, harmony and peace can be restored.
With the natural return to light marked by the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, a personal intention is to take whatever action I can to drive the dark times away.
This January I returned to India to honor the 50th anniversary of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), the Institute founded by BKS Iyengar. My first in-person return to India since the pandemic has offered a spontaneous flood of fond memories and reflection on the journey of the soul, the transformation of my physical embodiment and the profound mental and physical stability that the yoga practice engendered. I especially find deep solace in being supported by the past, open to the future and deeply grateful to be firmly grounded in the present.
Wishing each of you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year! May it be filled with laughter and joy and realization of your best most positive dreams!
Managing Stroke

Recording available
Contact: info@iyengaryogatherapeutics.com
A stroke happens when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, either by blood vessel blockage or rupture. A stroke can happen to anyone, at any age, any time. While stroke is a leading cause of death and disability, not all strokes are fatal. Stroke survivors can be left with temporary or lingering significant movement and functional challenges.
While very stroke is unique, the symptoms one may encounter depends upon the location of the event in the brain, type of stroke and severity..
In this workshop recorded in October 2024, we looked at the various types of stroke, strategies for known cause prevention and ways to manage some common effects through adaptations of yoga asanas that may aid in rehabilitation and recovery.
Workshop hosted by Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics
Online Classes

Current online classes
Saturday MS and Movement Challenges Class
Saturday mornings
9:00am-10:30 am (Pacific Time)
(Limited classes resume February 2025)
Wednesday MS and Movement Challenges Class
Wednesday mornings
8:00-am-9:30am (Pacific Time)
(Limited classes resume in February 2025)
Links to online classes for which you are registered are automatically emailed within two weeks before the registered class and again approximately 1 hour before the class starts.
Private Sessions
Schedule Here
With travel, if available times do not suit your schedule,
Email Me Here or at yogarthman@gmail.com
to coordinate a mutually convenient time

In-Person or Online
Private Sessions
Email me at yogarthman@gmail.com
to schedule an in-person session.
In-Person Workshops

2025 Workshop Dates
~In Person Only~
March 21-23
Istituto Iyengar Yoga Firenze
Florence, Italy
March 28-30
Ananda Yog Studio
Silkeborg, Denmark
April 4-6
Belgium Iyengar Yoga Association
Brussels, Belgium
April 11-13
Yoga Centrum
Brno, Czech Republic
May 30-June 1
Yoga Now Studio
Ediburgh, Scotland
June 6-8
Yoga Inverness
Inverness, Scotland
June 13-15
The Yoga Extension
Glasgow, Scotland
June 20-22
Dorset Hampshire Iyengar Yoga
Bournemouth, England
June 27-29
North East England Iyengar Yoga
Newcastle, England
~More to follow~
Book Review
” … a little masterpiece”
Honored to be reviewed by the New York-based, internationally recognized neuroscientist, Dr. Patrizia Casaccia, in the Spring 2021 issue of Yoga Therapy Today.
Originally published in Yoga Therapy Today, a publication of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. Reprinted with permission.
Resources Page

Check out my
Info on vaccines as they specifically relate to MS,
Asana Sequence for Immune Enhancement,
Recent Interview
and more….
Yoga, MS, and Health
With my direct personal experience of overcoming some of the most frightening symptoms associated with MS, I can wholeheartedly attest that the practice of Iyengar Yoga offers the practitioner a pathway to manage many symptoms associated with MS, and to also navigate the challenges of life.
Through the practice, some of the symptoms I’ve managed to ease and work through include: gait abnormality and imbalance issues (ataxia); drop foot; muscle weakness; inability to judge distance or scale with arms (dysmetria); burning neural pain in arms hips and feet; numbness and tingling in limbs (parasthesia); optic neuritis; double vision (diplopia); spasticity (paraparesis) of legs & MS hug in torso; bladder and bowel dysfunction; crushing fatigue; LHermitte’s symptom (an uncomfortable electrical charge in the spine when bowing the head); Uhthoff’s phenomenon (heat intolerance which can temporarily worsen symptoms); and depression.
The result, I’ve found, is a more balanced life — physically, emotionally and psychologically.
Health is simply a by-product of proper yoga practice. Through iconic alignment of asana (physical postures) and pranayama (breathing) we can fortify stability, keep mobile and endure with relative ease what may not be able to be cured.
Disease implies an absence of ease or imbalance. An internal storm. A perfect breeding ground for fear, uncertainty and doubt, all of which seem to resonate in our current global climate.
When we are diagnosed with a chronic incurable disease, it can be a life-altering, calamitous event. In addition to dealing with whatever physical adversity we may have to face, we may also have to face how to navigate a previously unknown landscape of uncertainty, fear, grief, isolation, anger and depression. It makes sense.
When I was diagnosed as a younger man inhabiting a body I could not feel or control, I was scared, unsure and filled with trepidation about an uncertain future. BKS Iyengar opened up a door to possibility for me through the practice of yoga and gave me the tools, and a good dose of realistic hope, to take the necessary action to move beyond my limitations with courage and caution.
Committed to helping others through yoga, I became a teacher of the subject to share what has so profoundly helped me.
Since teaching, it has been a great honor and privilege to work with so many people across the globe with all ranges of ability in the various stages of MS, Parkinson’s, post-stroke rehabilitation and other neurological and movement challenges. Though it’s not a cure, the yoga practice has helped so many.
To offer further insight, I penned a book based on my experience, to perhaps serve as a reference for others on the path who seek health and well-being through the applied practice of Iyengar yoga. The book is intended as a starting point for self-ambulatory people with MS who are able to self-transfer, either to the floor or a second chair, and willing to utilize yoga props or common household items for support.
The book includes photos to demonstrate a range of traditional yoga poses, as well as adaptations, to accommodate varying degrees of physical challenge.
Though it is impossible to address every possible scenario and degree of challenge with MS, in this book I hope to offer a reference for others with MS, in order to keep mobile, hopefully slow progression of the condition and maintain reasonable functionality.
“Yoga and Multiple Sclerosis, A Practical Guide for Persons with MS and Yoga Teachers” is available worldwide.
The practice of yoga helps one to face times of fear and uncertainty with poise and presence of mind.
I look forward to seeing you soon!!
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